Applied Ship Design Methods using Integrated Software Solutions – I
Applied Ship Design Methods using Integrated Software Solutions – I
From basic hull design to hydrostatics & ship stability, resistance & propulsion, to parametric structural modelling, weight estimate, to FE-based structural analysis, participants are taken through the different steps of the first ship design loop, in an integrated software workflow
- Hull design and hydrostatics.
- Weight model
- Ship stability, statutory stability & stability criteria
- Resistance & Propulsion
- Parametric structural modelling
- FE-based Structural Analysis
Software of reference: Rhino3D, Orca3D, GHS, ExpressMarine, MAESTRO Marine.
Course venue / delivery mode: live web sessions
Duration : 6 x 3.5 hours, total 21 hours
Daily hours : 9:00-12:30 CET daily
Prerequisites : notions of hydrostatics and naval architecture, software installation
Instructor: Stéphane Dardel, Naval Architect
Course Language : English (French and Italian supported)
Cost: 465€ per session per participant, total 2,790€. Training software licenses included.
A minimum of 2 registered attendees is required to maintain the course.
Registration: please contact us at
Calendar: Please contact us at or at Tel : +33 (0)4 92 91 13 24