Multi-Body hydrostatic interaction
This course covers the process of setting up a multi-body hydrostatic interaction analysis. It is intended for naval architects, and transport & salvage engineers, challenged by such advanced hydrostatic problem. Typical applications are: detailed simulation of loading and unloading floating objects by partially submerging the carrier, complex salvage procedure modeling, dry docking, articulated floating structures, etc.
Software of reference: GHS
Course venue / delivery mode: live web sessions
Duration : 2 x 2 hours, total 4 hours
Prerequisites : notions of hydrostatics and naval architecture
Instructor: Stéphane Dardel, naval architect
Course Language : English (French and Italian supported)
Cost: 375€ per participant. A minimum of 2 registered attendees is required to maintain the course.
Registration: please contact us at ndar@ndar.com
Next Dates: Please contact us at ndar@ndar.com or at Tel : +33 (0)4 92 91 13 24