Rhino3D v8 educational Upgrade license Windows or Mac - Proof of educational status required
Rhinoceros provides a vast array of tools to model any geometry, freely and accurately. Helps to materialize a concept into a fully-defined model, including 2D drafting, rendering, prototyping. Rhino3d handles curves, surfaces, and solids with no limits in complexity, but also meshes and point clouds.
Rhino 8 brings new modeling tools like ShrinkWrap, a huge speed boost for Mac users, SubD Creases, PushPull workflows, better drafting tools, a more customizable User Interface, a faster Render engine, new Grasshopper data types, and much more.
Full-featured commercial software at a discount.
For students, faculty (teachers, instructors, and professors), staff, and schools only (proof of status required).
One per student or faculty member. Schools can buy as many as they need.
Not transferable (cannot be sold, shared, used by, or transferred to another user).
For educational institutions only (proof of status required).
If you are a student with an acceptable form of academic ID at a primary school, secondary school, college, university, or career state-accredited school, you qualify to order a single user educational license.
Provide one of the following with your order:
Your tuition bill dated for the current school term
Your transcript dated for the current school term
Your current class schedule dated for the current school term
If you are a member of the faculty or staff with an acceptable form of academic ID* at a primary school, secondary school, college, university, or career state-accredited school, you qualify to order a single-user educational license. Provide one of the following with your order:
Your current course schedule dated for the current school term
Faculty/staff pay stub from the current school term
Any government accredited school can order single user educational licenses or lab licenses on a school purchase order or procurement card. Provide one of the following with your order:
School’s tax exemption certificate
Faculty/staff pay stub from the current school term