Stability of Ship and Offshore Structures – Level 1: basic

Stability of Ship and Offshore Structures – Level 1: basic


This course covers hydrostatics and stability principles for Ships and other floating structures: from hydrostatic equilibrium to righting arm curves and statutory stability criteria verification, and longitudinal strength.


  • Hydrostatic principles, floatation, weight vs buoyancy, metacentric height.
  • Righting arm curve & stability criteria
  • Downflooding points
  • Tank types & free surface models
  • Heeling moment models
  • Longitudinal strength: shear force & bending moment, girder deflection

Software of reference: GHS
Course venue / delivery mode: live web sessions
Duration : 4 x 2 hours, total 8 hours
Prerequisites : notions of hydrostatics and naval architecture
Instructor: Stéphane Dardel, naval architect
Course Language : English (French and Italian supported)

Cost: 800€ per participant. A minimum of 2 registered attendees is required to maintain the course.
Registration: please contact us at

Next Dates: 8-11 March 2021, 9AM-11AM daily

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