Rhino3D v8 30-user Lab Full license Windows or Mac
  • Rhino3D v8 30-user Lab Full license Windows or Mac
  • Rhino3D v8 30-user Lab Full license Windows or Mac

Rhino3D v8 30-user Lab Full license Windows or Mac

Rhino3D Lab Windows or Mac v7 Full license - Proof of educational status required


General Purpose CAD 3D modeler. NURBS-based surfaces, SubD modelling.

Rhinoceros provides a vast array of tools to model any geometry, freely and accurately. Helps to materialize a concept into a fully-defined model, including 2D drafting, rendering, prototyping. Rhino3d handles curves, surfaces, and solids with no limits in complexity, but also meshes and point clouds.

Nouveautés de Rhino 8

Rhino 8 offre de nouveaux outils de modélisation tels que EnveloppeMaillée ou PousserTirer, une amélioration importante de la vitesse pour les utilisateurs sur Mac, la définition des plis de SubD, de meilleurs outils de dessin, une interface utilisateur plus personnalisable, un moteur de rendu plus rapide, de nouveaux types de données Grasshopper, et bien d’autres choses encore.

30-user lab

A 30-user license to use Rhino on the computers in a single classroom or lab (one room). A network is not needed.

Or, a 30-user floating network license. A network server and the Zoo or internet access to the Cloud Zoo is required.

For educational institutions only (proof of status required).

If you are a member of the faculty or staff with an acceptable form of academic ID* at a primary school, secondary school, college, university, or career state-accredited school, you qualify to order a single-user educational license. Provide one of the following with your order:

Your current course schedule dated for the current school term

Faculty/staff pay stub from the current school term

Any government accredited school can order single‑user educational licenses or lab licenses on a school purchase order or procurement card. Provide one of the following with your order:

School’s tax exemption certificate

Faculty/staff pay stub from the current school term

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